There’s no denying that optimizing your brand marketing these days requires going online and setting up a digital strategy. After all, the majority of consumers are now searching and buying on their smartphones, meaning you’re missing a significant amount of traffic if you’re still working through outdated advertising methods. Read on to discover an assortment of digital marketing strategies you can try out for your brand, helping you to score a greater audience and, hopefully, a larger amount of sales in return.

One of the key areas to keep updated and modern is, of course, your website. Pointing potential customers toward your business through social media ads or blog posts isn’t going to do any good if your website is unusable by the time they arrive there. If your business website hasn’t been revised and modified in a while, it’s time to give it a refresh. Making sure that it displays a sleek, modern design and that it’s both user and mobile-friendly is crucial. Meanwhile, if you’ve never considered a blog before, now is the time to incorporate one into your digital marketing strategy so you can receive the full benefits of content marketing along the way. Post informational, valuable content that not only your already-loyal customers will love, but offerings that potential leads can follow to your new site, as well. Finally, step up your local audience game in the process by using geo-targeted keywords for your address and location that can better rank your site in local searches.

After your company website has been overhauled, you should focus on your search engine optimization techniques. SEO is a must-have tool in your marketing belt, as it’s designed to improve your search engine rankings over your competitors, giving you better visibility amongst those searching for your product or service. Your newly-formed blog content should be riddled with long-tail keywords, backlinks, positive customer reviews and more to help drive more people back to your site. After you’ve improved your SEO in your content itself, be sure to infuse more techniques in your site’s structural layout, as well. Change the URL addresses on pages to be more concise and clear about the topics involved, and write more persuasive calls to action that guide consumers to click more readily.

With all of these digital marketing tips at your disposal, there’s no doubt you can form a winning strategy for your company. Just be sure to utilize a mix of different marketing avenues to truly make an impact on your sales.